In Carson hopes springs eternal for Biden

Days after the first and likely only presidential debate between Republican candidate Donald J. Trump and incumbent President Joe Biden the spinwheel is twisting and churning out narratives that best support their candidate, but on June 27 at California State Senate candidate Laura Richardson’s campaign office nestled off University Dr. local elected officials and voters witnessed with their own eyes what happened.
And what they witnessed was a CNN Trump infomercial where moderators Dana Bash and Jake Tapper repeatedly coddled both the aspirants as if they were little bitty children. Trump ranted, lied and mused, Biden coughed and froze and that either one of the two are in position to lead this country is appalling.
The event hosted by Richardson and Congresswoman Maxine Waters’ daughter Karen Waters, provided guest with turkey spaghetti, garlic bread, green salad and soft drinks to a predominantly senior citizen audience.
Their reaction throughout the night shifted from aghast when Biden struggled to complete a thought to enthusiasm when The President slammed Trump for his repeated lies about the infamous Jan. 6 insurrection that threatened the lives of the Vice President and every member of Congress, and most significant Democracy.
Clearly, a divisive America is at a turning point or a point of no return however you want to spin it, but there was no mistaking the CNN Presidential Debate between two starkly different men in the twilight of their life. One is just plum bat crazy, the other an aging man full of character and political experience but perhaps no longer mentally capable of being Commander in Chief.