Tracking COVID-19 in California – Coronavirus COVID-19 Response

California is tracking data to understand the spread of COVID-19.
On this page you’ll find:
Update for November 10, 2023
New Hospital Admissions
233 daily avg.
104,603 total
14 daily avg.
0.03 new deaths (per 100K)
6.9% test positivity
New hospital admissions updated November 10, 2023 at 9:36 AM, with data from November 4, 2023.
Deaths and tests updated November 10, 2023 at 9:36 AM, with data from November 8, 2023.
Data notes
- All daily averages are 7-day averages.
- For death data after December 31, 2022, California uses Provisional Deaths from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) National Vital Statistics System (NVSS). Prior to January 1, 2023, death data was sourced from the COVID-19 registry.
- The change in data source occurred in July 2023 and was applied retroactively to all 2023 data to provide a consistent source of death data for the year of 2023.
- Hospitalized patients include all patients diagnosed with COVID-19 during their stay. This does not necessarily mean they were hospitalized because of COVID-19 complications or that they experienced COVID-19 symptoms.
- New admissions counts include patients who were admitted to an inpatient bed on the previous calendar day who had laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 at the time of admission.
- Death daily average and rate have a 22-day lag due to delays in reporting.
- Tests have a 1-day lag.
- The population denominators used for the per 100K rates come from the California Department of Finance’s population projections for 2020.
- Test positivity is based on a 7-day average with no lag. Data is provided by the California Department of Public Health.
- Looking for case data? Archived historical case data is available on the Open Data Portal.
Vaccines administered data
We’re tracking the progress of vaccinating Californians across the state.
County and statewide data
Enter your county for detailed data. Type two or more characters for results.
COVID-19 deaths
COVID-19 has resulted in 104,603 confirmed deaths in California.
- Deaths in California
- Deaths in {REGION} County
- {total_confirmed_deaths} total confirmed deaths
- {avg_deaths} average deaths per day
- {deaths_per_100k_7_days} deaths per 100K (7-day average)
- Confirmed
- All time
- 6 months
- 90 days
Date: {DATE}
7-day average death rate per 100K: {7DAY_AVERAGE}
Deaths: {DEATHS} - 7-day average
- Deaths per 100K
- Deaths
- Death date
- Pending
- Data incomplete for recent dates
Deaths source data. Data is updated weekly.
Chart information
- For death data after December 31, 2022, California uses Provisional Deaths from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) National Vital Statistics System (NVSS). Prior to January 1, 2023, death data was sourced from the COVID-19 registry.
- The change in data source occurred in July 2023 and was applied retroactively to all 2023 data to provide a consistent source of death data for the year of 2023.
- The population denominators in these charts come from the California Department of Finance’s population projections for 2020.
- Looking for case data? Archived historical case data is available on the Open Data Portal.
Testing for COVID-19
The number of COVID-19 diagnostic test results in California reached a total of 204,364,390, an increase of 153,477 tests from the prior week. The rate of positive tests over the last 7 days is 6.9%.
- Total tests in California
- Total tests in {REGION} County
- {total_tests_performed} total tests performed
- {avg_total_tests_7_days} average tests per day
- {avg_tests_per_100k_7_days} tests per 100k (7-day average)
- All time
- 6 months
- 90 days
Date: {DATE}
7-day average test rate per 100K: {7DAY_AVERAGE}
Total Tests: {TOTAL_TESTS} - 7-day average
- Tests per 100K
- Tests
- Testing date
- Pending
- Data incomplete for recent dates
- Positivity rate in California
- Positivity rate in {REGION} County
- {test_positivity_7_days} test positivity (7-day rate)
- {test_positivity_7_days_delta_7_days} increase from 7-days prior
- {test_positivity_7_days_delta_7_days} decrease from 7-days prior
- All time
- 6 months
- 90 days
Testing Date: {DATE}
7-day positivity rate: {7DAY_POSRATE}
Positivity rate: {POSRATE} - Positivity rate
- Tests
- Testing date
- Pending
- 7-day rate
- Data incomplete for recent dates
Total tests and positivity rate source data. Data is updated weekly.
Chart information
- Testing date is the date the test was administered.
- Positivity rate is calculated as the number of positive molecular tests divided by the total molecular tests performed. Positivity rate includes people in state and federal prisons, US Immigration and Customs Enforcement facilities, US Marshal detention facilities, and Department of State Hospitals facilities.
- Testing data from Los Angeles county has a 1-day lag.
- Positivity rate was previously reported as a 14-day average.
- The population denominators in these charts come from the California Department of Finance’s population projections for 2020.
The weekly number of new hospital admissions due to confirmed COVID-19 cases in California is 1,629, an increase of 48 from the prior week.
- COVID-19 new hospital admissions in California
- COVID-19 new hospital admissions in {REGION} County
- COVID-19 ICU patients in California
- COVID-19 ICU patients in {REGION} County
- COVID-19 hospitalized patients in California
- COVID-19 hospitalized patients in {REGION} County
- {TOTAL} new hospital admissions (weekly total)
- {TOTAL} ICU patients (on {MAX_DATE})
- {TOTAL} hospitalized patients (on {MAX_DATE})
- {CHANGE} more new admissions from prior weekly total ({CHANGE_FACTOR} increase)
- {CHANGE} fewer new admissions from prior weekly total ({CHANGE_FACTOR} decrease)
- {CHANGE} more ICU patients from prior week ({CHANGE_FACTOR} increase)
- {CHANGE} fewer ICU patients from prior week ({CHANGE_FACTOR} decrease)
- {CHANGE} more patients hospitalized from prior week ({CHANGE_FACTOR} increase)
- {CHANGE} fewer patients hospitalized from prior week ({CHANGE_FACTOR} decrease)
- New Admissions
- Hospital Patients
- ICU Patients
- All time
- 3 months
- 7 days
- Reported date
- 7-day average
Date: {DATE}
New hospital admissions: {TOTAL_HOSPITALIZED}
7-day average of new hospital admissions: {7DAY_AVERAGE} -
Date: {DATE}
7-day average of ICU patients: {7DAY_AVERAGE} -
Date: {DATE}
Hospitalized patients: {TOTAL_HOSPITALIZED}
7-day average of hospitalized patients: {7DAY_AVERAGE}
- ICU beds in California
- ICU beds in {REGION} County
- {TOTAL} ICU beds available (on {MAX_DATE})
- {CHANGE} more ICU beds available from prior week ({CHANGE_FACTOR} increase)
- {CHANGE} fewer ICU beds available from prior week ({CHANGE_FACTOR} decrease)
- Reported date
- 7-day average
- On {DATE} there was a total of {VALUE} available ICU beds.
- All time
- 3 months
- 7 days
COVID-19 hospitalized patients and ICU source data. Data is updated weekly.
Chart information
- Hospitalization counts include all patients diagnosed with COVID-19 during their stay. This does not necessarily mean they were hospitalized because of COVID-19 complications or that they experienced COVID-19 symptoms.
- Suspected COVID-19 patient data is available in the hospitalized patients and ICU source data.
- More details about hospitalized and ICU patients, including patients suspected of having COVID-19, are available in the hospitalization dashboard.
- The “ICU Beds” chart will be truncated and only have data starting from 05/11/2023. This is due to differences in data collection between the new federal standard (NHSN) and the previous California standard (CHA).
Explore more data
Vaccination data
State and county data about vaccination, including by race and ethnicity and age
Data about which variants are in California, including Delta and Omicron
Data and tools
In-depth models, dashboards, databases, and information about California’s COVID-19 data reporting