Biden Budget earmarks $200 million for Inglewood

Following his State of the Union address, President Biden released his budget for Fiscal Year 2025 and it includes the first installment on a planned $1 billion investment of federal funds for the Inglewood Transit Connector (ITC) Project. The Budget calls for $200 million for the ITC from the Federal Transit Administration.
“Today the Biden/Harris Administration demonstrated their commitment to the ITC Project and their faith in the City of Inglewood and its partners to deliver this transformative investment for our community and region,” said Inglewood Mayor James T. Butts. “We are grateful for the support, and we will use it to further energize our work.”
The Budget proposal comes on the heels of the Biden Administration’s approval in December 2023 for the project to enter the Engineering Phase of development with a pledge of $1.009 billion in federal funds once the project completes that phase and enters into a multi-year funding agreement with the federal government. The Fiscal Year 2025 funding suggested in this Budget will be the first installment of those funds; its inclusion in the spending plan indicates the Biden Administration anticipates the multi-year agreement will be completed during the fiscal year.
“Our project team is on track to finalize our funding agreement with the federal government. We are working with our partners to secure the remainder of the needed funds to match this significant federal support for the ITC and expect to have the commitments we need in hand soon,” concluded Mayor Butts.