There is no room in public discourse or private conversation for the type of hatred, racism, classism, and homophobia displayed by the four Latino political figures- Nury Martinez, Kevin de Leon, Gil Cedillo and Ron Herrera. I pray that those involved can look deep inside and find the courage to deal with their bigotry. Although I have not always seen eye to eye with Councilmember Mike Bonin, there is no reason to bring children into political backroom dealings.
It is also significant that the premise of the conversation was tribal political maneuvering and cronyism. How do our communities benefit from the dividing of “assets” and gerrymandering for shakedowns for campaign contributions and favors? Where is the deal-making to fight crime and treat drug addiction and mental health? Where are the political camps for economic development and expanding health care and education outcomes?
It would be fitting for the press to continue to dig deeper. Los Angeles is a deeply divided city and county. We cannot heal when the political establishment points out the racism of those they dislike, while covering up the racism of political figures in their camps.
Unfortunately, we see this all too often and we see that now in the free pass that has been given to Robert Luna in his campaign for Sheriff when dealing with his history of embracing and condoning racism within the Long Beach Police Department.