Sign up for our Southern California politics newsletter Down Ballot – Orange County Register

The results are in: Down Ballot is your new, go-to newsletter for all things politics in Southern California. Sign up here or using the sign up box at the end of this article.
From coverage of congressional delegation in Washington to behind-the-scenes looks at city council decisions, Down Ballot covers everything you need to know about politics, government, and campaigns across Southern California, from Los Angeles to Orange County to the Inland Empire.
If you, like me, spend late nights coloring maps red and blue as election results trickle in, keep a watchful eye on local decisions, and eagerly search for explainers to break down the most complicated of bills, this is the newsletter for you.
Best of all: It’s free. No campaign donations required!
What is it? Down Ballot is a curated newsletter breaking down how decisions made in Sacramento and Washington, D.C. impact Southern California, also providing a behind-the-scenes look at how local government is operating, and keeping you up-to-date on the latest election news.
It’s curated by Kaitlyn Schallhorn, a politics and local editor who has spent the past decade following candidates as they barnstorm across the country, tracking bills as they progress through statehouses, and sitting through countless hours of tedious hearings.
How can I sign up? It’s easier than casting a ballot. Just drop your email in the box below, or visit our newsletters page and click the button for free access to Down Ballot.
Is it really free? Absolutely.
So join Southern California’s community of politicos, watchdogs, and voters for a place to talk about government, elections, and much more.
And if you’ve just skimmed down to the bottom, just go here and click on Down Ballot.