Lawndale Mayor Pullen-Miles Shares Holiday Joy South Coast AQMD joins Our Global Humanity for giveaway
IT News Wire
Lawndale Mayor Robert Pullen-Miles and his fellow Councilmember Pat Kearney joined Our Global Humanity Inc. Chairman Kenneth Miller at the Lawndale Library on Dec. 17 to distribute backpacks with toys inside to need children.
Pullen-Miles was the sponsor of the event in association by The South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) which collaborated with Our Global Humanity (OGH), a Lawndale based non-profit.
Children of all ages who were identified and recommended by the Lawndale Council of PTA’s received one of a variety of back packs with logos of SCAQMD and OGH with a surprise toy inside.
Two families of special needs children and Autism were among the recipients of the gift during the holiday season