Hot Dog Cart Crisis Looming

By Kenneth Miller, Publisher

Before and after almost every major sporting event the inviting scent of the vapors breathing from the bacon wrapped hot dogs on the cart, with colorful green and red bell peppers scolding side by side with large cuts of onions grilling.
The vendors and the carts were omnipresent at SoFi Stadium for the opening week of the NFL, without any certification or accreditation they pushed their carts from Prairie Ave. and Arbor Vitae east and right up to the brink of the stadium entrance.
As came and went they were met with the hot dog carts, but as I continue to examine all of the trappings that included steamed buns, I glanced down and recognized that these carts are selling soft drink beverages and also alcohol.
How could a hot dog vendor sell alcohol beverages such as beer and tequila right outside the stadium without a license?
They can’t or at least they are not supposed to.
I asked one of the Los Angeles County Sheriff if the vendors were legal and allowed to operate at the stadium.
He said that where they were located a mere 10 yards from the stadium was considered public property, then shockingly he said his hands were tied.
I reached out the Inglewood Mayor James T. Butts Jr. and he was incensed at the information.
“You should have got his badge number,” the mayor inquired.
Butts said that he would call an executive meeting to address the situation, obviously concerned with prohibited alcohol sales in the city.

If so, why hasn’t anyone did anything about it?
These hot dogs on the cart vendors can be found at any stadium or arena in Los Angeles County. I’ve seen them right outside Crypto.Com, the soccer stadium near USC, the Coliseum and they all seem to operate with impunity.
I did not find any seal of certification on any of the carts that I saw, so therefore these vendors are exempt from paying taxes. More frightening what happens if someone becomes ill from consuming one of the hot dogs, or a person under age purchase alcohol?
Stay tuned.