Audubon Institute will finish 2014 in the black after all | Local Politics

Despite previous warnings that the Audubon Nature Institute would have to dip into its reserve funds to finish out 2014, the organization appears on track to finish the year in the black.
Revenue from the institute’s attractions, which include the Audubon Zoo and the Aquarium of the Americas, were at $46,153,000 in the 11 months through November, putting it slightly above the revenue assumptions called for in its budget. Final numbers from December have yet to be calculated according to Larry Rivarde, executive vice president and managing director, but he said he expects the park to finish the year with above budget.
If the institute finishes the year on target, it should have an operating surplus of $400,000-$500,000.
At the Audubon Commission’s last quarterly meeting, there were worries that the institute would miss revenue targets and have to be propped up by a reserve fund. An expansion of the the Cool Zoo didn’t open in time for summer, chopping out revenue from one of the institute’s big earners.
That shortfall was more than made up for, however, by an unforeseen spike in catering and merchandize sales, Rivarde said.
Updated Friday at 2:25 p.m. to correct the surplus Audubon should see if it finishes the year on target.