‘What’s Up with Anuolu’

Celebrating Women’s International Month
By Anuoluwapo Bamiro, Columnist
Welcome back to “What’s Up with Anuolu”. Happy Women’s International Month. I want to make this column based on uplifting women everywhere. Women are important to the world and sometimes it feels unrewarding to be one. Women have always been making the city of Inglewood great. We have Tyra Banks who was born and raised here. Issa Rae based her show Insecure in Inglewood and the surrounding areas. And Lisa Leslie scored 101 in a single game while playing for Morningside high school. It feels great to know I come from a city with amazing history and dope women who have dominated their industries.
The city is full of amazingly strong women who find a way where there is no way. Growing up I have seen women be strong and providers for whatever is necessary for the betterment of the kids they have, as well as the kids in the community. Some women banded together and fundraised so the kids can play sports, providing snacks for everybody at the game. We had women who created candy houses and understood that not everyone could leave their apartment building so they created candy houses. They kept the community going, feeling safe and as though everything was going to be all right.
One of my favorite memories is when I was in elementary, I had a teacher that would do my hair in balls and barrettes because she knew I liked them, and my African mom did not know how to do the style herself. I have a mentor who since I was a little girl has always helped me remember who I am and never let my spark die. My cousins taught me how beautiful and gracious I could be. My mother was my main provider and made sure everything was able to come together and happen. All and all I don’t know what I would do without the women in my life. My friends, family, teachers, mentors, and everyone in between. It was so important for me to have strong, amazing, creative, impeccable women around me.
Being influenced by such amazing women, I feel like it is a must for me to be the greatest I can be. I see how important it is to be unapologetically me, go on my path, and truly be aligned with life for me. I want to be that inspiration for the next generation as well. For them to see that being yourself is the only way to be. I want to be for the generations under me what the women in my life were to me. I want them to see my journey as inspiring, to do way better than me, and to take my blueprint and make it their own.
Being a woman is difficult, it feels like everybody needs everything from you yet doesn’t check on you. It can feel like people need everything from you but have nothing to give in return. Being a woman is one of the best yet hardest things a woman can be. One must find the balance between self and being selfless. You must fight and combat society’s values versus the ones you truly have and hold near and dear.
So, for Women’s History month, I think it is important to uplift the women in your life, in your community, and in the world period. Because without women the world would be out of balance. We wouldn’t have the pillars and pacemakers in our life. You never know whom these kids grow up to be, the genius, the nurturers, the next everything we will have and need in the future. So, show them by doing right and being amazing to the women in the world.
Anuoluwapo Bamiro