Metro K-Line Project Seeks Public Comments

The K Line Northern Extension is one of Metro’s Measure M Projects and seeks to close a gap in the regional rail network, connecting communities from the South Bay up to Hollywood, including the LAX area, South Los Angeles, Inglewood, the Crenshaw Corridor, West Adams, Mid City/Central Los Angeles, Mid City West, West Hollywood, and Hollywood. The project would expand access to transit and employment opportunities for many Equity-Focused Communities (EFC).
Metro has released the Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) for the K Line Northern Extension Project and is asking for public comments between July 23 and September 5.
The northern end of the K Line currently terminates at the Metro E Line Crenshaw/Expo Station. This project would extend the K Line north to the extension of the D Line subway at Wilshire Boulevard in the Miracle Mile and the B Line at Hollywood/Highland Station. The project includes a design option to extend the line to a potential station at the Hollywood Bowl. With the extension, the K Line would connect to our C, E, D and B Lines and six of the 10 busiest bus lines in L.A. County.
The Draft EIR analyzes three potential underground light rail alignments, discloses potential impacts to environmental resources, and identifies mitigation measures to reduce or avoid significant impacts. All three options begin at Metro Expo/Crenshaw Station and end at the Hollywood/Highland Station.

It’s estimated that the project would serve between 47,000 and 60,000 daily trips in the year 2045. With increased mobility options, the project would also help reduce auto dependence, air pollution, greenhouse gas emissions, and energy use. In addition to the Draft EIR, Metro has published a series of summaries on the project website including project benefits, ridership projections, community engagement, construction cost estimates and responses to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs).
Since the public scoping period for the project began in spring 2021, Metro has hosted several rounds of community meetings, pop-up events and stakeholder briefings. Summaries of what Metro learned from all community engagement events can be read here.
The Draft EIR is available for public comment for 45 days through September 5, during which Metro will hold three public hearings (one virtual and two in-person). At the start of the in-person meetings, Metro will host an open house to allow the public to ask staff questions, followed by a presentation on the findings of the Draft EIR, and then public comments.
You can learn more about the Project and share your thoughts at our upcoming open house and public hearings on:
- Saturday, August 10, 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. at Dorsey High School
- Tuesday, August 13, 6 p.m. – 8 p.m. at Pan Pacific Park.
- Metro is also hosting a virtual public hearing on Thursday, August 15, 12 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. via Zoom.
***Interpretation in Spanish will be provided at all the public hearings. Russian interpretation will be provided at the Pan Pacific Park and the virtual public hearings.
You can read it online here. Printed copies will also be available at the following locations:
- Fairfax Branch Library: 161 South Gardner Street, Los Angeles, CA 90036 .
- Margaret Herrick Library: 333 South La Cienega Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90211.
- West Hollywood Library: 325 North San Vicente Boulevard, West Hollywood, CA 90069.
- Russian Language Public Library: 7362 Santa Monica Boulevard, West Hollywood, CA 90046.
- Will and Ariel Durant Branch Library: 7140 West Sunset Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90046.
- LA Union Station/Metro Library: One Gateway Plaza, 15th Floor, Los Angeles, CA 90012.
- Angeles Mesa Branch Library: 2700 West 52nd Street, Los Angeles, CA 90043.
- View Park Bebe Moore Public Library: 3854 West 54th Street, Los Angeles, CA 90043.
- Hyde Park Miriam Matthews Branch Library: 2205 West Florence Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90043.
- Baldwin Hills Branch Library: 2906 South La Brea Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90016 4305 Santa Fe Avenue, Vernon, CA 90058.
- Jefferson – Vassie D. Wright Memorial Branch Library: 2211 West Jefferson Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90018.
- Inglewood Library: 101 West Manchester Boulevard, Inglewood, CA 90301.
- Washington Irving Branch Library: 4117 West Washington Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90018.
- Frances Howard Goldwyn Hollywood Regional Branch: 1623 Ivar Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90028.
You can let us know your thoughts by sending them to us during the 45-day public review and comment period (July 23, 2024, through September 5, 2024) in one of the following ways:
- Orally or in writing at the open house and public hearings on August 10 and August 13.
- Orally or in writing at the virtual public hearing on August 15.
- Email [email protected]. Please include “K Line Northern Extension – Draft EIR” in the subject line.
- Written comments may be submitted to:
Attn: Roger Martin
Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority
One Gateway Plaza,
Mail Stop: 99-22-5
Los Angeles, CA 90012.
Remember, all public comments must be submitted by September 5, 2024.